Is stress affecting your weight loss battle?
Stress brought on by dieting is added to the personal and work life stresses that we face every day, often resulting in a “vicious cycle” of increased stress and increased food intake. People under stress tend to engage in self-defeating and unhealthy behaviors such as binge eating and there is strong biologic evidence that stressed-out people may tend to put on the pounds faster. “I’m stressed, therefore I eat.” Many people complain that they overeat in response to workplace or personal stress. If this sounds like you, read the following tips for managing stress-related overeating to help you check this unhealthy habit.
1. Practice waiting.
2. Keep a food journal of what you eat each day.
3. Enlist a friend’s help –
4. Keep yourself nourished.
5. Post some reminder messages wherever you’re likely to see them when stress-related cravings begin.
Use any message that works for you. Examples might be “Are you really hungry?” or “Think about why you’re eating.”
6. Physically remove tempting food items from your home or office.
7. Take time for yourself every day.
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